How do you know if BREATHE EASE could help your horse?
BREATHE EASE is a blend of herbs designed to support your horse’s respiratory system. We know how awful it feels to watch your horse coughing or struggling to catch their breath. Our herbal blends are specifically designed to support your horse’s respiratory system.
If your horse is:
● Coughing
● Wheezing
● Showing respiratory distress during or after exercise
● Living in wildfire smoke or heavy pollution
● On steroids to manage a chronic respiratory condition
BREATHE EASE may provide additional support and relief. The herbs in this blend have been shown to support the equine lung and respiratory system, relieve irritation, help the body discharge mucus, maintain strong lung walls, increase lung performance and aid scar tissue healing.
If you are looking for a natural way to support your horse’s respiratory health, try BREATHE EASE. It is a great option to use on its own, in mild cases, or alongside veterinary care for more acute situations.
If your horse is ever struggling to breathe, always consult your veterinarian.
1. Marshmallow Root Powder - may soothe airways, reduce allergic responses and expels mucus.
2. Fenugreek - anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, high in Vitamins A, D and E, may reduce thick mucus production and relieve coughing.
3. Mullein - anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal, may relieve membrane irritation and coughing, reduce glandular system swelling, clear phlegm, open lungs and soothe irritation and/or dryness.
4. Rosehip - packed full with nutrients that are traditionally known to stimulate immune function and support the digestive system, natural antihistamine.
5. Yarrow - antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, may support ‘bleeders’.
6. Horseradish - a natural antihistamine.
7. Licorice - anti-inflammatory, may soothe airways and sore throats, relax bronchial spasms and stimulate cortisol production.
8. Echinacea - antiviral and antibacterial, may clear airways, support red blood cell and haemoglobin production and stimulate the immune system.
9. Garlic - immune system booster, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-allergy, contains over 160 compounds.
Horses: 2 scoops daily, approx. 40g, based on scoop provided
Ponies: 1 x scoop daily, approx. 20g, based on scoop provided
This product will last one horse approx 25 days based on the above dosage rate following initial double dosage
Use of Herbs in Equestrian Sport
Equine Whole Health accepts no responsibility for the misinterpretation or misuse of any products or information presented on this website.
Information on this website is purely for educational purposes. We encourage customers to do their own research and seek advice from their Veterinarian or Health Care Practitioner prior to use.
This website is not intended to be used as a substitute for the advice of a qualified Veterinarian.
The products listed are not recommended by Equine Whole Health as replacements for medication prescribed by a qualified Veterinarian.
Equine Whole Health are not at liberty to advise on whether a particular herb, or herbs and/or any other products may return a positive swab or which constituents of a particular herb may be targeted in a swabbing program. It is the purchaser’s/owner’s responsibility to keep themselves updated on prohibited substances in their respective competition industries. For regulations pertaining to banned, or prohibited substances, in equestrian sport, please consult the governing body of the discipline you intend to compete in.
Equine Whole Health will not be held liable for any disciplinary action taken against individuals who choose to use herbs and/or any other products/services at a competitive level in their chosen discipline.
Storage of Herbs & Supplements
Herbs & Supplements are best stored in airtight containers out of direct light, in a cool, dark place.